turkish holidays - my last holiday

Turkish Dialogues: My Last Holiday

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Improve your Turkish with this Turkish dialogue about "my last holiday" in Turkish language!

Learn and practice talking about your last holiday in this Turkish video lesson for self-study. Learn the words and expressions, read the dialogue, listen to the dialogue and practice the dialogue with a friend.

Turkish Dialogues: My Last Holiday

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Here is the transcript of the Turkish video lesson above:

Talking About My Last Holiday in Turkish

  • Geçen yıl nerede tatil yaptın? Where did you have a holiday last year?
  • Geçen yıl Marmaris'te tatil yaptım. I had a holiday in Marmaris last year.
  • Tatilin nasıldı? How was your holiday?
  • Tatilim harikaydı. Çok iyi vakit geçirdim. My holiday was great. I had a very good time.
  • Marmaris'e nasıl gittin? How did you go to Marmaris?
  • Oraya uçakla gittim. I went there by plane.
  • Yolculuk nasıldı? How was the journey?
  • Yolculuk çok iyiydi. Çok rahattı. Hiç sorun yoktu. The journey was very good. It was very comfortable. There wasn't any problems.
  • Nerede kaldın? Where did you stay?
  • Küçük bir otelde kaldım. I stayed at a small hotel.
  • Otel nasıldı? How was the hotel?
  • Otel küçüktü, ama çok güzeldi. Hem ucuzdu, hem de temizdi. The hotel was small, but it was very nice. It was both cheap and clean.
  • Hava nasıldı? How was the weather?
  • Hava çok güzeldi. Ama benim için biraz sıcaktı. The weather was very nice. But it was a little hot for me.
  • Deniz nasıldı? How was the sea?
  • Deniz harikaydı. Bütün gün denizde yüzdüm ve plajda güneşlendim. The sea was great. I swam in the sea and sunbathed at the beach all day.
  • Yemekler nasıldı? How was the food?
  • Yemekler fena değildi. Otelde yemek yoktu, sadece kahvaltı vardı. Bu yüzden restoranda yemek yedim. The food wasn't bad. There was no food at the hotel, there was only breakfast, so I had dinner at the restaurant.
  • İnsanlar nasıldı? How were the people?
  • İnsanlar çok iyiydi. Özellikle oteldeki insanlar çok yardımseverdi. The people vere very good. Especially the people at the hotel were very helpful.
  • Marmaris'i beğendin mi? Did you like Marmaris?
  • Evet, çok beğendim. Yes, i llke it very much.
  • Oraya tekrar gitmek istiyor musun? Do you want to go there again?
  • Evet, kesinlikle istiyorum. Bu yıl oraya arkadaşlarım ile gitmek istiyorum. Yes, I definitely do. I want to go there with my friends this year.

End of this Turkish dialogue!

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