Turkish Dialogues: Introducing Others
Learn how to introduce and talk about others in Turkish in this Turkish video lesson for self-study for starters & early beginners (A1).
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Turkish Dialogues: Introducing Others
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The transcript of the video:
Introducing Others in Turkish:
Bu benim en iyi arkadaşım. Onun adı Murat, onun soyadı Aksoy. Murat 32 yaşında ve evli. O bir öğretmen. O İstanbul’da yaşıyor, ama aslen o İzmirli.
This is my best friend. His name is Murat, his surname is Aksoy. Murat is 32 years old and married. He is a teacher. He lives in Istanbul, but he is originally from Izmir.
- Ayşe, senin en iyi arkadaşın kim? Ayşe, who is your best friend?
- Benim en iyi arkadaşım Yasemin. My best friend is Yasemin.
- Onun adı Yasemin. Onun soyadı ne? Her name is Yasemin. What's her surname?
- Onun soyadı Bayrak. Yasemin Bayrak. Her surname is Bayrak. Yasemin Bayrak.
- Yasemin kaç yaşında? How old is Yasemin?
- Yasemin 30 yaşında. Benim gibi. Yasemin is 30 years old. Like me.
- O nereli? Where is she from?
- O Antalyalı. She is from Antalya.
- Son soru. O evli mi? Last question. Is she married.
- Evet, evli. Yes, she is married.
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