Top 25 Turkish Words: Expressing Likes and Dislikes
When learning Turkish, being able to express what you like and dislike is essential for conversations. Whether you're discussing food, hobbies, or opinions, these 25 Turkish words and phrases will help you communicate your preferences effectively.
Sevmek = To love / like
Ben kahveyi seviyorum. I like coffee.
BeÄŸenmek = To like / appreciate
Ben bu filmi çok beğendim. I really liked this movie.
Bayılmak = To love so much, adore
Ben çikolataya bayılıyorum! I love / adore chocolate!
HoÅŸlanmak = To enjoy / like
Ben ondan hoşlanıyorum. I like him / her.
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Tercih etmek = To prefer
Ben çayı kahveye tercih ediyorum. I prefer tea over coffee.
Keyif almak = To take pleasure
Ben kitap okumaktan keyif alıyorum. I take pleasure in reading books.
Ä°lgilenmek = To be interested in
Ben sporla ilgileniyorum. I am interested in sports.
Hayran olmak = To admire, be fan of
Ben bu sanatçıya hayranım. I admire this artist.
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Favori = Favorite
Bu benim favori şarkım. This is my favorite song.
Harika = Wonderful
Bu yemek harika! This food is wonderful!
MuhteÅŸem = Magnificent
Manzara muhteÅŸem! The view is magnificent!
Güzel = Beautiful / Nice
Bu film çok güzel. This movie is very nice.
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EÄŸlenceli = Fun / Entertaining
Bu etkinlik çok eğlenceliydi. This event was very fun.
Heyecan verici = Exciting
Yarış heyecan vericiydi. The race was exciting.
Tatlı = Sweet / Nice
Bebek çok tatlı! The baby is very sweet!
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Sevmemek = To not like
Ben balığı sevmiyorum. I don't like fish.
BeÄŸenmemek = To not appreciate
Ben bu kıyafeti beğenmedim. I didn’t like this outfit.
Nefret etmek = To hate
Ben yalandan nefret ediyorum. I hate lies.
HoÅŸlanmamak = To dislike
Ben kalabalıklardan hoşlanmıyorum. I don’t like crowds.
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Ä°lgilenmemek = To not be interested
Ben futbolla ilgilenmiyorum. I am not interested in football.
Sıkıcı = Boring
Bu ders çok sıkıcı. This lesson is very boring.
Berbat = Terrible
Bu yemek berbat! This food is terrible!
Rahatsız edici = Annoying / Disturbing
Bu ses rahatsız edici. This sound is annoying.
Kötü = Bad
Hava bugün çok kötü. The weather is very bad today.
Tatsız = Tasteless / Unpleasant
Bu çorba biraz tatsız olmuş. This soup is a bit tasteless.
With these 25 words and phrases, you can confidently express what you like and dislike in Turkish. Practicing them in daily conversations will help you become more fluent and natural in the language. Happy learning!
What are some things you like or dislike? Share in the comments below!
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