Turkish Suffixes: ICI / UCU
Master Turkish suffixes *-ici* and *-ucu*! These versatile endings turn nouns into roles, professions, or specialties. Learn how to use them effectively with clear examples, rules for vowel harmony, and practical tips to expand your Turkish vocabulary. Perfect for beginners and language enthusiasts!
How to form the suffix - ICI / UCU / İCİ / ÜCÜ in Turkish
Learn how to form this Turkish suffix.
This suffix (- r / er / or in English) is used to make nouns from verbs. For example:
- Sürmek - Sürücü To drive - driver
- Okumak - Okuyucu To read > reader
Bakmak = Look
- Bakmak To look at, look after
- Bakıcı Babysitter
We are looking for a good caregiver for our baby. Do you know a good caregiver?
Dinlemek = Listen
- Dinlemek To listen
- Dinleyici Listener, audience
Gol olduğu zaman, radyodaki dinleyiciler, hep birlikte «Şampiyon!» diye bağırdılar.
When a goal was scored, the radio audience chanted in unison, "Champion!" they shouted.
Geçmek = Pass
- Geçmek To pass
- Geçici Temporary
Ben şu anda geçici bir evde kalıyorum. Ama en kısa zamanda yeni bir yer bulacağım.
I'm currently staying in a temporary house. But I will find a new place as soon as possible.
İzlemek = Watch
- İzlemek To follow; watch
- İzleyici Viewer, audience
Bütün izleyiciler televizyondaki reklamlardan şikayet ediyorlar.
All viewers complain about advertisements on television.
Kurmak = Set, Found
- Kurmak To set; found
- Kurucu Founder
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurucusudur.
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is the founder of the Republic of Türkiye.
View the video above for the rest of the list of this Turkish suffix.