Turkish Songs: "Bir Yaz Daha Bitior" by Grup Gündoğarken
Improve your Turkish by listening popular Turkish songs ("Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor - Another Summer is Ending" by Grup Gündoğarken) with English translations.
First listen to the song, then read the lyrics while listening to the song once again. Remember, the more you read and listen, the better it is, when learning a new language.
Turkish Songs: "Bir Yaz Daha Bitior" By Grup Gündoğarken
Read the lyrics of "Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor" by Grup Gündoğarken
Bir yaz daha bitiyor. Another summer is ending.
Gökyüzü bulutlandı. The sky became cloudy.
Dalgalar yorgun, ağır,
Kıyıda soluklanırlar gibi. The waves are tired, heavy, as if they are taking a breather on the shore.
Çadırlar söküldüler. The tents were dismantled.
Pansiyonlar boşaldı. The hostels were emptied.
Ağırlaştı yürekler. Hearts became heavier.
Ayrılıklar bir oyun gibi. Breakups are like a game.
Bir yaz daha... Another summer ...
Umutlar umutsuzluklar gizlice, Hopes and despairs secretly,
Biraz daha doyumsuz, A little more insatiable,
Biraz daha, A little more,
Aşklar ümitsizce. Loves hopelessly.
Bir yaz daha... Another summer ...
Umutlar umutsuzluklar gizlice, Hopes and despairs secretly,
Biraz daha doyumsuz, A little more insatiable,
Biraz daha, A little more,
Aşklar ümitsizce. Loves hopelessly.
Tatlı sözler, vefakar, Sweet words, loyal,
Adresler telefonlar
Verilip alındılar. Addresses and telephone numbers were exchanged.
Sanki aranacaklar gibi. As if they were called.
Bir yaz daha... Another summer ...
Umutlar umutsuzluklar gizlice, Hopes and despairs secretly,
Biraz daha doyumsuz, A little more insatiable,
Biraz daha, A little more,
Aşklar ümitsizce. Loves hopelessly.
Bir yaz daha... Another summer ...
Umutlar umutsuzluklar gizlice, Hopes and despairs secretly,
Biraz daha doyumsuz, A little more insatiable,
Biraz daha, A little more,
Aşklar ümitsizce. Loves hopelessly.
Bir yaz daha ...
What is the Turkish song "Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor" about?
The Turkish song "Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor" (translated as "Another Summer Is Ending") captures a melancholic reflection on the passage of time, particularly the fleeting nature of summer and the emotions tied to it.
The lyrics often evoke themes of nostalgia, love, and longing, as summer serves as a metaphor for a joyful or romantic period coming to an end.
The song might touch upon:
- Emotional Transience The idea that happiness or love, like summer, is temporary and must be cherished while it lasts.
- Memories of Love Often in Turkish music, summer symbolizes a time for love, and the song may reminisce about a romantic relationship or moments shared during that time.
- Melancholy and Reflection The end of summer is used as a metaphor for endings and transitions in life, prompting reflection on what has been lost or changed.
The tone of the song is typically wistful and poetic, resonating with listeners who have experienced the bittersweet feeling of an ending season or phase in their lives.
Turkish Music Band "Grup Gündoğarken"
"Grup Gündoğarken" is a renowned Turkish music band known for their unique blend of pop, folk, and soft rock elements.
The group was founded in the 1980s by Burhan Şeşen, Gökhan Şeşen, and İlhan Şeşen, who are members of the same family.
Their music often features poetic and thoughtful lyrics, combining a nostalgic tone with melodic instrumentation.
Key Highlights About Grup Gündoğarken:
1. Formation and Style
- The band emerged during a time when Turkish music was evolving, combining traditional Turkish melodies with contemporary sounds.
- Their songs often explore themes like love, longing, social issues, and the passage of time, resonating deeply with listeners.
2. Popularity and Hits
- Some of their iconic songs include "Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor," "Ankara’dan Abim Geldi," and "Seni Görmem Lazım."
- Their hit "Bir Yaz Daha Bitiyor" is a classic example of their ability to blend melancholy with soothing melodies.
3. Legacy and Influence
- Grup Gündoğarken has played a significant role in shaping the Turkish pop and soft rock scene.
- They have inspired many artists with their thoughtful songwriting and musical arrangements.
Their music continues to hold a special place in the hearts of fans, cherished for its timeless quality and emotional depth.
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