Learn Turkish with DTC Turkish Language Course!
Become a member and learn Turkish online with DTC Turkish Course (Site Membership)!
Learn Turkish online at your own pace with DTC (Dem Turkish Center) Turkish Course, a self-study Turkish course program for Turkish language learners who want to study Turkish themselves taking online help from a Turkish language teacher.
Learn Turkish with Dem Turkish Center!
Here are the answers to your questions about DTC Turkish Course (Site Membership):
How to learn Turkish online in a nutshell:
- Take this Turkish language course (Site Membership,
- Become a Dem Turkish Center member,
- Get the full access to the DTC bookstore,
- Download Turkish language learning materials,
- Study Turkish yourself with courses, lessons, books, worksheets,
- Get online help / support from your teacher while studying yourself,
- And learn Turkish yourself with your teacher at your own pace!
1. What does DTC Turkish Course include?
This Turkish course includes:
A. Turkish language learning materials for self-study
Dem Turkish Center members have the full access to our bookstore. Download:
- Turkish Language Courses For Self-study
- Turkish Language Lessons For Self-study
- Turkish Language Learning Books For Self-study
- Turkish Language Worksheets For Self-study
B. Online help / support while learning Turkish online
Dem Turkish Center members get online help from their Turkish language teacher online.
Contact your Turkish language teacher by eamil, Whatsapp or Skype (Emailing or messaging only) when you have questions or need help or want to practice online while studying Turkish yourself!
2. What's the duration of DTC Turkish Course?
The duration of this Turkish course is 1 year.
For 1 year, you will be able to download self-study Turkish language materials (We always add and will be adding new materials to DTC.COM Store) and get online help from your Turkish language teacher.
3. What are the Turkish language materials?
When you take DTC Turkish Course and become a member, you will receive a discount code for downloading Turkish materials from the Dem Turkish Center bookstore (100 % OFF).
You will have the full access to the bookstore and download any Turkish language materials with your code. DTC Turkish language materials are:
- Turkish Language Courses (Video lessons, PDF practice books and worksheets)
- Turkish Language Lessons (short courses) (Video lessons and PDF worksheets)
- Turkish Language Books (PDF and video lessons)
- Turkish Language Worksheets (PDF worksheets and video lessons)
4. How can I study Turkish language?
We recommend you to start your Turkish course with the lessons (short Turkish courses / units including PDF + MP3 and video lessons) in each level. Each lesson / unit has 3 categories:
- LEARN Communicative lessons and grammar lessons
- IMPROVE Easy reading lessons and vocabulary practice lessons
- PRACTICE Dialogues and interview questions and answers
You can use Turkish language learning books (grammar, vocabulary, dialogues, graded easy reading books) as supplementary materials.
Your Turkish language teacher will always be available to help you plan your courses, study and learn Turkish!
5. How does online help / support work?
Your Turkish language teacher will always be available by email, Whatsapp, Skype etc (Emailing and messaging only) when you have questions or need help with what you are studying.
The idea of DTC Turkish Course is help you with your Turkish studies. We are available when you need us, preferably by email, Whatsapp, Skype etc (emailing or messaging only). We will be helping you learn Turkish language for 1 year during your DTC Turkish Course.
How to learn Turkish online with DTC Turkish Course:
- Buy DTC Turkish Course and become a member.
- Receive your personal membership code.
- Start downloading your Turkish language learning materials.
- Start studying Turkish online yourself.
- Get online support when you need.
- And learn Turkish online at your own pace!