
turkish dialogues - introducing others

Turkish Dialogues: Introducing Others

Learn how to introduce and talk about others in Turkish in this Turkish video lesson for self-study for starters &...

turkish easy reading lessons a1

Turkish Reading Practice Course A1

Improve your Turkish while learning new Turkish words and phrases with Turkish reading practice courses for self-stud...

numbers in turkish language

Numbers in Turkish

Learn the numbers & basic mathematics in Turkish language! Learn and practice numbers in Turkish. Plus learn the...

how to download turkish language courses lessons online

How to download Turkish courses & lessons

Learn how to download a wide range of downloadable (video lessons or printable lessons and books if you prefer to mak...

why learn turkish by myself

Why learn Turkish by myself?

What are the advantages of learning Turkish by myself? Dem Turkish Center is a Turkish language resource website &...

Turkish Dialogues: Introducing Yourself

Turkish Dialogues: Introducing Yourself

Improve your Turkish with free Turkish lessons! A Turkish dialogue about introducing yourself. Learn how to introduc...