Learn vowel harmony in Turkish
Basic Turkish language lessons. Vowel harmony.
Learn the vowel harmony in Turkish language. Do these basic Turkish lessons before starting A1 (Early Beginner) level.
Learn the vowel harmony in Turkish language:
Here is the transcript of this video:
1. Learn the vowels in Turkish
Aa, Ee, Iı, İi, Oo, Öö, Uu, Üü
Learn the types of vowels in Turkish
There are 2 kinds of vowels in Turkish:
- Hard Vowels: a, ı, o, u
- Soft Vowels: e, i, ö, ü
Learn what the vowel harmony in Turkish is.
The vowel harmony in Turkish is the harmony (of the hard & soft vowels) between the last vowel of the word and the vowel in the suffix.
For example;
ARABALER Not harmonized, because the last letter is a hard vowel, the vowel in the suffix is a soft vowel.
ARABALAR Harmonized, because the last letter is a hard vowel, the vowel in the suffix is a hard vowel.
Learn how the words with hard vowels take suffixes.
If the last vowel of the letter is a hard vowel, then the vowel in the suffix should be a hard vowel.
araba car arabalar cars
altın gold altınlar golds
top ball toplar balls
okul school okullar schools
Learn how the words with soft vowels take suffixes.
If the last vowel of the letter is a soft vowel, then the vowel in the suffix should be a soft vowel.
ev house evler houses
pil battery piller batteries
göl lake göller lakes
gün day günler days
Learn the types of suffixes in Turkish.
There are 2 types of suffixes in Turkish.
- Suffixes with 2 variations (For example, «plural –s» in Turkish) Last Letter Suffix a, ı, o, u >> - lar e, i, ö, ü >> - ler
- Suffixes with 4 variations (For example, the definite object in Turkish, The) Last letter Suffix Last Letter Suffix a, ı >> - ı e, i >> - i o, u >> - u ö, ü >> - ü
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