Learn Turkish Words: Man
What is "man" in Turkish language? How to use the word "man" in Turkish?
What is "man" in Turkish language?
The word "man" in English means "adam" in Turkish. For example:
- Adam dışarı çıktı ve bir taksiye bindi. The man went out and took a taxi.
- Kafedeki adam bir çay sipariş etti ve gazete okudu. The man at the cafe ordered a tea and read a newspaper.
- Kadın kapıda adamı görünce "Buyurun," dedi. The woman said "How can I help?" when she saw the man at the door.
- Kadın adama "Bana yardım edebilir misiniz?" diye sordu. The woman asked the man "Can you help me?".
How to use "adam" in Turkish
Here are the most common expressions:
"Adamcağız" is "Poor fellow" in English. For example:
Adamcağız tek başına bahçeyi temizliyor. Poor fellow is cleaning the whole garden by himself.
Adam etmek
"Adam etmek" is "To make a man out of; lick into shape (a person, thing, place etc" in English. For example:
- Çocuk oğlunu adam etmeye çalışıyor. The man is trying to make a man out of his son.
- Ali restoranı adam etmeye çalışıyor. Ali is trying to lick the restaurant into shape.
Adam gibi
"Adam gibi" is "properly" in English. For example:
- Adam gibi yap. Do it properly.
- Yanlış yazıyorsun. Adam gibi yaz. You are writing wrong. Write properly.
- Eğer adam gibi isteseydin, kabul ederdim. If you had asked properly, I would have accepted it.
Adam olmak
"Adam olmak" is "To become a man, grow into a man, be a decent person, mend one's ways". For example:
Murat artık adam oldu. O artık kendi parasını kazanıyor. Murat is now a man. He is now earning his own money.
Adam olmaz!
"(O) Adam olmaz! (Sen) Adam olmazsın!" is "Hopeless, incorrigible, beyond reclaim, past recovery" in English. For example:
- Bu araba adam olmaz. This car is hopeless (It won't be fixed).
- Sen adam olmazsın! You are hopeless!
Adam yerine koymak
"Adam yerine koymak" is "To consider important, show due consideration, hold in esteem, give consequence to" in English. Fır example:
Ben seni adam yerine koyup, sana bütün sırlarımı söyledim. Ama yanılmışım. I showed you de consideration and told you all my secrets. But I was wrong.
Adam yerine koymamak
"Adam yerine koymamak" is "To despise, treat disrespectgully, make no account of, take no notice of, treat someone like dirt" in English.
Sen beni adam yerine koymadın, ama ben senden daha zengin oldum. You despised me, but I became richer than you.
(Yaparsam) bana da adam demesinler!
"(Yaparsam) bana da adam demesinler!" is "I'll be damned (blowed) if I'll ..." in English.
Eğer ben düğüne gidersem, bana da adam demesinler! (= Kesinlikle düğüne gitmiyorum.) I'll be damned if I'll go to the wedding.
We hope this short list of words and expressions will be helpful for your Turkish studies.