turkish idoms - eye

10 Turkish "Eye" Idioms

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The Turkish language is rich in expressions that revolve around body parts, and the "eye" (göz) plays a significant role in many idioms and phrases. Eyes symbolize perception, emotions, and even fate in Turkish culture.

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In this post, we will explore some common Turkish words, phrases, and idioms related to the eye, along with their meanings and example sentences.

1. Göz = Eye

Gözlerin çok güzel, gökyüzü gibi mavi. Your eyes are very beautiful, like the sky.

2. Göz atmak = To glance at / To check out

Meaning To take a quick look at something or to be interested in something.

Yeni arabaya göz attım ama çok pahalıydı. I checked out the new car, but it was too expensive.

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3. Göz koymak = To set one's eyes on

Meaning To desire something strongly, often implying possession.

Bu eve göz koydum, umarım alabilirim. I have set my eyes on this house, I hope I can buy it.

4. Göz boyamak = To deceive / To create an illusion

Meaning To mislead or create a false impression.

Sadece duvarları boyadılar, tamir ettiklerini söyleyerek göz boyuyorlar. They only painted the walls, pretending to have repaired them to deceive people.

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5. Gözden düşmek = To fall from favor

Meaning To lose respect or credibility in someone's eyes.

Yalan söylediği için arkadaşlarının gözünden düştü. He fell from favor among his friends because he lied.

6. Gözü aydın = Congratulations! / Good news!

Meaning Used to congratulate someone when they receive good news or when a baby is born in their family.

Bebeğin doğdu mu? Gözün aydın! Has your baby been born? Congratulations!

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7. Gözü gibi bakmak = To take great care of something

Meaning To protect or take care of something/someone as if it were precious.

Dedem bana eski saatini verdi ve ona gözü gibi bakmamı söyledi. My grandfather gave me his old watch and told me to take great care of it.

8. Gözü korkmak = To be intimidated

Meaning To feel scared or hesitant about something.

Sınav çok zor gözüküyor, gözüm korktu. The exam looks very difficult, I feel intimidated.

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9. Gözden kaçmak = To be overlooked

Meaning To miss something, not notice it.

Bu detay gözümden kaçmış, tekrar kontrol edeyim. I overlooked this detail, let me check again.

10. Gözü dönmek = To lose control out of anger or desire

Meaning To act irrationally due to strong emotions like anger or greed.

Sinirlenince gözü dönüyor ve ne yaptığını bilmiyor. When he gets angry, he loses control and doesn’t know what he is doing.

These idioms and phrases reflect how deeply embedded the concept of the eye is in Turkish language and culture. Whether it’s about admiration, fear, or deception, the eye is a powerful symbol in communication. Learning these expressions will not only improve your Turkish but also give you insight into the cultural significance behind them!

Do you know any other Turkish idioms about the eye? Share them in the comments!


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