Turkish Dialogues: My Last Holiday
Improve your Turkish with this Turkish dialogue about "my last holiday" in Turkish language!
Learn and practice talking about your last holiday in this Turkish video lesson for self-study. Learn the words and expressions, read the dialogue, listen to the dialogue and practice the dialogue with a friend.
Turkish Dialogues: My Last Holiday
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Here is the transcript of the Turkish video lesson above:
Talking About My Last Holiday in Turkish
- Geçen yıl nerede tatil yaptın? Where did you have a holiday last year?
- Geçen yıl Marmaris'te tatil yaptım. I had a holiday in Marmaris last year.
- Tatilin nasıldı? How was your holiday?
- Tatilim harikaydı. Çok iyi vakit geçirdim. My holiday was great. I had a very good time.
- Marmaris'e nasıl gittin? How did you go to Marmaris?
- Oraya uçakla gittim. I went there by plane.
- Yolculuk nasıldı? How was the journey?
- Yolculuk çok iyiydi. Çok rahattı. Hiç sorun yoktu. The journey was very good. It was very comfortable. There wasn't any problems.
- Nerede kaldın? Where did you stay?
- Küçük bir otelde kaldım. I stayed at a small hotel.
- Otel nasıldı? How was the hotel?
- Otel küçüktü, ama çok güzeldi. Hem ucuzdu, hem de temizdi. The hotel was small, but it was very nice. It was both cheap and clean.
- Hava nasıldı? How was the weather?
- Hava çok güzeldi. Ama benim için biraz sıcaktı. The weather was very nice. But it was a little hot for me.
- Deniz nasıldı? How was the sea?
- Deniz harikaydı. Bütün gün denizde yüzdüm ve plajda güneşlendim. The sea was great. I swam in the sea and sunbathed at the beach all day.
- Yemekler nasıldı? How was the food?
- Yemekler fena değildi. Otelde yemek yoktu, sadece kahvaltı vardı. Bu yüzden restoranda yemek yedim. The food wasn't bad. There was no food at the hotel, there was only breakfast, so I had dinner at the restaurant.
- İnsanlar nasıldı? How were the people?
- İnsanlar çok iyiydi. Özellikle oteldeki insanlar çok yardımseverdi. The people vere very good. Especially the people at the hotel were very helpful.
- Marmaris'i beğendin mi? Did you like Marmaris?
- Evet, çok beğendim. Yes, i llke it very much.
- Oraya tekrar gitmek istiyor musun? Do you want to go there again?
- Evet, kesinlikle istiyorum. Bu yıl oraya arkadaşlarım ile gitmek istiyorum. Yes, I definitely do. I want to go there with my friends this year.
End of this Turkish dialogue!