turkish dialogues - biography

Turkish Dialogues: Biography

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Biography. Improve your Turkish with this Turkish dialogue about my grandfather's biography in Turkish language!

Learn and practice talking about someone's biography in this Turkish video lesson for self-study. Learn the words and expressions, read the dialogue, listen to the dialogue and practice the dialogue with a friend.

Turkish Dialogues: Biography

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Here is the transcript of the Turkish video lesson above:

My Grandfather's Biography in Turkish

  • Deden ne zaman doğdu? When was your grandfather born?
  • Dedem 1925’te doğdu. My grandfather was born in 1925.
  • Nerede doğdu? Whaere was he born?
  • Ankara’da doğdu. He was born in Ankara.
  • Nerede büyüdü? Where did he grow up?
  • Dedem Ankara’da küçük bir köyde büyüdü. My grandfather grew up in a small village in Ankara.
  • Ne zaman okula başladı? When did he start school?
  • 1932’de okula başladı. He started school in 1932.
  • Ne zaman okuldan mezun oldu? When did he graduate from school?
  • 1943’te liseden, 1948’de üniversiteden mezun oldu. He graduated from high school in 1943, from the university in 1948.
  • Ne zaman askere gitti? When did he go to do the army service?
  • 1950’de askere gitti. He went to do the army service in 1950.
  • Ne zaman işe başladı? When did he start work?
  • 1953’te işe başladı. He started work in 1953.
  • Ne zaman evlendi? When did he get married?
  • 1957’de evlendi. He got married in 1957.
  • Ne zaman baba oldu? When did he become a father?
  • 1959’da baba oldu. He became a father in 1959.
  • Ne zaman müdür oldu? When did he become a manager?
  • 1965’te müdür oldu. He became a manager in 1965.
  • Ne zaman emekli oldu? When did he get retired?
  • 1993’te emekli oldu. He got retired in 1993.
  • Ne zaman öldü? When did he die?
  • 2010’da öldü. Ben onu çok özlüyorum. He died in 2010. I miss him so much.

End of this Turkish dialogue!

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