How to form "Before & After" in Turkish
Learn how to form and use "Before & After" in Turkish language in this short Turkish language lesson. This Turkish lesson is ideal for beginner (A2) or pre-intermediate Turkish language learners.
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BEFORE & AFTER in Turkish Language
"Before something" in Turkish
"Before (something)" is "önce" in Turkish. This word is always used the suffix "- den (from)" as "- den / dan or ten / tan önce". For example:
- Adam işten önce bir çay içti. The man drank a tea before work.
- Biz filmden önce yemek yedik. We had a meal before the film.
- Ben kahvaltıdan önce yüzümü yıkadım. I washed my face before breakfast.
Practice. Rewrite the the words.
okul, ders, film, yemek, maç, oyun, sınav ...
"Before doing" in Turkish
Learn how to say "Before doing or before I / you do" in Turkish. Use the gerund form of the verb (Yapmak >> Yapma, Gitmek >> Gitme) with " - den önce". There is no person or personal suffix in this form. For example:
- Adam işe gitmeden önce bir çay içti. The man drank a tea before going work.
- Biz film izlemeden önce yemek yedik. We had a meal before watching the film.
- Ben kahvaltı yapmadan önce yüzümü yıkadım. I washed my face before having breakfast.
Practice. Rewrite the the words.
okula gitmek, derse başlamak, film izlemek, yemek yemek, maça gitmek, oyun oynamak, sınava girmek ...
Download Turkish Grammar Course 2 A2!
"After something" in Turkish
"After (something)" is "sonra" in Turkish. This word is always used the suffix "- den (from)" as "- den / dan or ten / tan sonra". For example:
- Adam işten sonra eve gitti. The man went home after work.
- Biz filmden sonra yemek yedik. We had a meal after the film.
- Ben kahvaltıdan sonra kahve içtim. I drank a coffee after breakfast.
Practice. Rewrite the the words.
okul, ders, film, yemek, maç, oyun, sınav ...
"After doing" in Turkish
Learn how to say "After doing or After I / you do" in Turkish. Use the suffix "- dikten / dükten / dıktan / duktan sonra" with the root of the verb. There is no person or personal suffix in this form. For example:
- Adam çalıştıktan sonra bir çay içti. The man drank a tea after working / after he worked.
- Biz filmi izledikten sonra yemek yedik. We had a meal after watching / after we watched the film.
- Ben kahvaltı yaptıktan sonra bir kahve içtim. I drank a coffee after having / after we had breakfast.
Practice. Rewrite the the words.
okula gitmek, derse başlamak, film izlemek, yemek yemek, maça gitmek, oyun oynamak, sınava girmek ...
Download Turkish Grammar Course 3 PI!
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