Adjectives in Turkish Language
Learn the adjective forms and how to form adjectives in Turkish language in this short Turkish lesson.
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What are the adjectives in Turkish language
Adjectives are not only describing words like "good, big, cheap etc", but also "place, time and clauses".
Here is the list of adjective forms in Turkish:
- O güzel bir kız. She is a beautiful girl.
- Kafedeki adam bir doktor. The man at the cafe is a doctor.
- Sarı saçlı kadın çok güzel. The woman with blonde hair is beautiful.
- Çay içen adam benim amcam. The man who is drinking tea is my uncle.
- Okuduğum kitap çok güzel. The book that I am reading is very nice.
What are the positions of the adjectives in Turkish?
All the adjectives come before the noun they describe. For example:
- O güzel bir kız. She is a beautiful girl.
- Kafedeki adam bir doktor. The man at the cafe is a doctor.
- Sarı saçlı kadın çok güzel. The woman with blonde hair is beautiful.
- Çay içen adam benim amcam. The man who is drinking tea is my uncle.
- Okuduğum kitap çok güzel. The book that I am reading is very nice.
Now learn the types of adjectives in Turkish language:
1. Describing Words
Learn the describing words in Turkish.
- Ali iyi bir futbolcu. Ali is a good footballer.
- Ayşe çok güzel bir kız. Ayşe is a very beautiful girl.
- Murat çok yakışıklı bir adam. Murat is a very handsome man.
- Bu çok ilginç bir film. This is a very interesting film.
50 Basic Adjectives in Turkish
100 Most Common Turkish Adjectives
2.Indefinite Pronouns & Adjectives
Learn the describing words used with indefinite pronouns in Turkish.
- Ben ünlü biri ile konuştum. I talked to someone famous.
- Ben ucuz bir şey istiyorum. I want something cheap.
- Ben güzel bir yer biliyorum. I know somewhere nice.
How to use "Someone, Something, Somewhere" in Turkish
3. With
Learn the adjectives made by "with".
- Mavi gözlü kız bir öğrenci. The girl with blue eyes is a student.
- Şemsiyeli kadın yaşlı. The woman with an umbrella is old.
- Bıyıklı adam bir şoför. The man with a moustache is a driver.
4. Suffix KI (Place)
Learn the suffix KI used to make "places" an adjective (modifier) in Turkish.
- Kafedeki kız çok güzel. The girl at the cafe is very beatiful.
- İstanbul’daki trafik çok kötü. The traffic in Istanbul is very bad.
- Taksideki adam bir müşteri. The man at the taxi is a customer.
5. Suffix KI (Time)
Learn the suffix KI used to make "time" an adjective (modifier) in Turkish.
- Yarınki maç ne zaman? When is tomorrow’s match?
- Bugünkü film çok iyi. Today"s film is very good.
- Dünkü ders sıkıcıydı. Yesterday’s class was boring.
6. Relative Clauses (Who / Which)
Learn the relative clause (who, which, that) in Turkish.
- TV izleyen kadın çay içiyor. The woman who is watching TV is drinking tea.
- Futbol oynayan çocuk benim erkek kardeşim. The boy who is playing football is my brother.
- Ben kahve içen adamı tanıyorum. I know the man who is drinking coffee.
Download Turkish grammar worksheets: Relative Clause in Turkish!
7. Adjective Clauses (That)
Learn the adjective clause (that) in Turkish.
- Benim okuduğum kitap çok ilginç. The book that I am reading is very interesting.
- Onun yaşadığı şehir çok kalabalık. The city that / where he lives is very crowded.
- Bu benim içtiğim en güzel kahve. This is the best coffee that I have ever drunk.
Download Turkish grammar worksheets: Adjective Clause in Turkish!
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